Decor&You Corporate Blog

Decor & You Blog

The Three Keys to Having a Fabulous Decorating Experience!

If you’ve never worked with a decorator you may be unsure of what to expect.  You may be nervous about trusting someone to select things for your home that you will actually like. Even homeowners who have worked with a professional decorator in the past have these same concerns and it’s completely understandable.  At Decor&You we like to set things up for success at the very beginning by giving you the keys to having the best possible experience with your decorator.

1.    Be Honest!

Communication is a critical piece.  

·     Ask questions

·     Outline your expectations

·     If you don’t know, say so It is ok to say No!

·     Be sure whomever is involved is included

·     Give feedback

  1. Be Realistic!

·     With timing. Things only happen overnight when you have a large

budget, a large crew, and the design plans with product procurement agreed upon prior to execution.

·     With your vision.   Does your vision for your room match up with your investment parameters?  If yes, great!

·     With your budget.

·     With your willingness to live with chaos while your project is being executed.

·     If no, can you be ok with implementing the plan in phases? Or, consider what will minimally get your vision realized.

  1. Be Open!

·     To suggestions of good design from a professional that fit your preferences and your space

·     To suggestions for prioritizing implementation.

·     To sharing your concerns about any aspect of the design execution

·     Ultimately, it is your choice!

Remember, your decorator has responsibilities too, including:

·     Listening to your vision/goals

·     Understanding your space

·     Understanding your preferences

·     Understanding your investment parameters

·     Creating options for you to choose

Posted 302 weeks ago